META mHealth: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects in the Technological Age

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Felix Machleid, B.A.

Further Information

Research interests

  • Bioethics
  • Ethical, social and regulatory aspects of health innovation
  • Human-Machine-Interaction
  • Digitalization of healthcare, implementation in medical education

Research projects

Short CV

Felix Machleid has completed a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Psychology at LMU Munich and is currently completing the final year of medicine at the Technical University of Munich. His B.A. thesis in Philosophy explored the implications of mobile health (mHealth) technologies on individual responsibility and social justice in health from a normative perspective. He is a Doctoral Candidate (Dr. med) at the Department of Translational Neurodegeneration at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). His dissertation project involves an empirical study on the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease. He has vast experience in policy-making, advocacy, having held the position of the Health Policy Director at the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) and as a Representative to the eHealth stakeholder group at the European Commission.

Awards and fellowships

2018, Scholarship as visiting student at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York
2018, Deutschlandstipendium, Academic Merit Fellowship
2017, Deutschlandstipendium, Academic Merit Fellowship