META mHealth: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects in the Technological Age

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Open-source mHealth

While research and development of medical and health technologies traditionally almost exclusively occurred in the institutionalised frame of university and industry, this situation has been shifting in recent years. With biosensors, wearables or smartphones accessible for many at low cost and the possibility of exchanging knowledge in social media networks independent of space and time, committed people are starting to modify or to build their own medical and health technology outside of the traditional development and research frame.

In this project we are exploring the dynamics and complexities of the development and usage of open-source medical and health technologies in an explorative qualitative study. One of the main questions we ask is: How are boundaries transforming or shifting in relation to patients, health care professionals, users, IT-development and the health care sector?

Main investigators: Bianca Jansky (lead), Tanja Greiderer (doctoral candidate)