META mHealth: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects in the Technological Age

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Nicole Peter, B.Ed.

Further Information

Nicole Peter studied Public Health as part of the Master of Science degree at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. In her research, she is concerned with social implications of mHealth technologies.

Research interests

  • Potential possibilities, benefits and risks of mHealth technologies

Research projects

In her Master’s thesis, Nicole interrogates the possibilities, benefits and risks of mHealth technologies. This research includes a mixed-methods empirical study involving interviews with major stakeholders in the field of mHealth. This investigation is being conducted as part of the META project.

Short CV

Nicole Peter completed a Bachelor's degree in health and health care sciences at the Technical University of Munich.Her B.A. thesis explored the psychological double burden of working parents. During her studies she has worked in an international consulting company in the field of health management and gained experience in the development and implementation of health intervention measures. In addition, she has already obtained the certificate as a Healthcare Risk Manager.

Selected media appearances

  • Nürnberg, V., Peter, N. (2016) Schlafen ohne Stress – Nächtliches Zähneknirschen lässt sich gut behandeln. Mit uns GESUND, Ausgabe 4, S. 23
  • Nürnberg, V., Peter, N. (2017) Physiotherapie im betrieblichen Setting – Mit Bewegung gegen Bluthochdruck und Diabetes. Prävention, Ausgabe 1, S. 12-15